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Support for Ukraine

One of the pillars of TechWings is social commitment and corporate responsibility.

For a long time we have understood this concept primarily in the context of our employees and their families. We created and are creating solutions that allow them to work peacefully and comfortably with the possibility of benefiting from a package of social support.

The outbreak of war in Ukraine presented us with the necessity and opportunity to define the responsible business further. In the first days of the war, we made a decision that our Company would actively support Ukraine. We make no secret of the fact that this also has a personal meaning for us - many of our family members and friends live in Ukraine and are direct victims of the War.

The greatest value for us is to help those in need in Ukraine during this difficult time. At the moment, TechWings and its employees personally have committed over 450.000 zł to support individuals directly, NGOs such as the Red Cross, UNICEF, Razom, and for humanitarian aid. During the period of the largest influx of refugees to Poland, our team took every possible action to help refugees with meals, clothes and all they needed.

We also place an emphasis on a non-discrimination policy in our Company. All our employees are against the War and stand with Ukraine, we make our effort to ensure that they do not experience discriminatory behavior in our Company on the basis of their nationality.

We encourage you to join us in helping Ukraine. Below are links to organizations and funds providing necessary assistance to those in need as a result of the war. If you would like to join our aid efforts, we encourage you to contact us via email: hello@techwings.com.

Stay human, stand for good.

How to donate to Ukraine relief efforts

Warning for those based in Russia: A recent statement from Russian officials warns people in Russia against engaging in activities of the type listed on this page. As such, those based in Russia are advised to not take any action on this page.


UNICEF is on site and constantly helps children in Ukraine. We will donate the collected funds to provide children with, among others safe shelters and psychological support, medical care, clean water and hygiene measures.

Donate here

The Ukrainian Red Cross

The Red Cross is often on the frontlines of war serving to help those affected by armed conflict. The Ukrainian Red Cross is currently assisting people inside the country by aiding evacuations and providing shelter, food and basic necessities.

Donate here

UA Future

UA Future Charity supports Ukraine since 2014 by providing humanitarian aid directly to the people living closest to and located in the war zones. Together with international partners, they deliver food, medical equipment, and a wide variety of other humanitarian aid.

Donate here

Razom for Ukraine

Razom's emergency response is focused on purchasing medical supplies for critical situations like blood loss and other tactical medicine items, hospital supplies, and tech enabled emergency response supplies that facilitate the delivery of this aid.

Donate here

Nova Ukraine

Ukraine-based nonprofit, provides citizens with everything from baby food and hygiene products, to clothes and household supplies.

Donate here