UX/UI design audit and improvement for a freelance marketplace platform
Apr 2019 - Feb 2020
ASP.NET Core, Amazon Web Services, Cloudinary, Angular 1.x/2+, Docker
Consulting, Product Design, Research & Development, Web Development
About project
A client came to us with the task of conducting a UX analysis of the product, because users experienced difficulties in working with the system. The main problem was with the division of the payment into milestones: it was complicated and unintuitive.
User flow
An employer is looking for the best freelancer for their job, a freelancer is looking for the best job to be hired and earn.
Job creation
Post details about the job and specify the skills your freelancer needs to have.
Find and invite freelancers
Choose the matching freelancer or select one of the bids posted by freelancers and invite them to participate.
Employer dashboard
Dashboard collects employer statistics, job updates, top and favourite freelancers on one screen.
Complete profile
A freelancer's profile as an online resume contains information about skills, languages, and specialization.
Ureed Academy
Improve your skills right in the system. Ureed Academy offers courses that are verified by testing and awarded a certificate.
Mobile apps
Ureed is also available on iOS and Android platforms. We adapted all the functionality for convenient use on mobile devices.
We have researched the current Ureed application, then figured out and improved UX and UI design. We also applied new branding, rendered a lot of illustrations, updated web and mobile app for iOS and Android, and an information website.